[_ #1802AW _]
/ EDITORIAL by @pushpullzine
Photographer / 蔡辉 @huichoi_com
Makeup / 蔡强
Hair / 蔡辉 / AINI / Sunny
Styling / Lia
Model / T4
Art direction: model was asked to face the camera with a calm, confident and serious expression. 120 color negatives films is used, through white and extremely low saturation backgrounds to restore the color temperature of the light as normally as possible.
草芥 Push Pull
Push Pull is a boutique production agency and platform for multi-disciplinary artists to freely express and share their aesthetic and philosophies in order to push the limits of the conventional art form. Throughout the years, push pull proudly showcase their biannual magazine which feature some of the most innovative contents in the industry. Moreover, Push Pull provides creative services with the goal of providing a high-end production. Their Vancouver, Canada based branch also offers Modelling service in order to ensure a smooth production from start to finish.
Visit their website for more art works: